Monday, October 17, 2011

Chaotic House = Chaotic Mind

You know the feeling. Lunchtime was going along swimmingly—and then you spilled a glob of ketchup on your shirt. It was just a fleck, really, on the left sleeve, just above the cuff. Not enough for anyone to notice, surely. Easily enough mopped up. No biggie. But the offending condiment is more than just the legacy of an overzealous burger-to-mouth transfer. It’s a blemish on your mental state; a scarlet-hued impediment to your spotless mind.

A stain on your brain.

That our physical surroundings have a critical role to play in our mental states is a fact. Aren’t convinced? Just flip on an episode of Hoarders and get an eyeful of the colourful characters whose desperate attempts to make up for all manner of psychological shortcomings amount to a living room filled with stuff. These folks ain’t poster children for mental stability.

A cluttered, unclean room, house or office, say the academics with an eye on the scene, can contribute dramatically to feelings of unhappiness, anxiety and depression for the folks living in their midst. These are the procrastinators, the underachievers, the overwhelmed.

But renew their physical surroundings with a thorough sweep and polish and find these same souls utterly transformed. Having gained a sense of order in one part of their lives, they feel eminently better armed to tackle everything else. Suddenly, the impossible seems markedly less so. Insurmountable worries lower a lifeline. Lemon-scented light appears on the horizon.

A clean house, as it turns out, is about an awful lot more than just a clean house.

Visit for further cleaning tips.

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